- Down-Rounds, Recaps and Difficult Decisions Continue – While many companies tried to avoid down-rounds and recapitalizations by cutting expenses and raising bridge convertible notes in hopes that the funding landscape

A Window to the Legal World for Israeli Companies
Congratulations to Riskified on their Series E funding round of $165 million! Greenberg Traurig is proud to have represented an institutional investor in this transaction, and excited to have been…
Continue Reading Announcing Riskified’s $165 Million Funding Round
Retail innovation is booming in Israel and corporate executives best take notice, as reported in a recent Forbes article. Hardly the first time Forbes has taken notice, this…
Continue Reading Retail Innovation Booming in Israel
Launching a technology startup is an exciting time filled with the promise of the future. As you embark on this adventure, it is critical to establish a strong legal foundation…
Continue Reading Key Legal Agreements for Technology Startups
We often counsel both early stage companies as well as investors looking to make venture capital investments in growth companies. One of the recurring issues is how the size of…
Continue Reading Size of the Option Pool in an Early Stage Company
Venture capital is a form of financing that is typically provided by venture capital firms or funds to companies that are in a growth stage in exchange for equity securities…
Continue Reading Review of the Legal Documents used in a Financing Round
Known to many as the “Start-up Nation,” Israel has also been dubbed “Silicon Wadi”; ranking 7th amongst all countries in venture capital activity outside of the U.S. In 2015…
Continue Reading Silicon Wadi: VC Business in Israel
Earlier this month, the first ever China-Israel Technology, Innovation and Investment Summit, jointly sponsored by the Greenberg Traurig Tel Aviv and Shanghai offices, took place in Beijing. The 3-day…
Continue Reading Greenberg Traurig Tel Aviv and Shanghai Offices Sponsor the First Ever China-Israel Technology, Innovation and Investment Summit
Israel is home to one of the most vibrant startup ecosystems in the world. Israel has the highest number of tech startups per capita in the world; the second highest…
Continue Reading Israeli Startups in NYC
Structured exits are investment structures designed to achieve a desired investment return without reliance upon a traditional exit. Structured exit investments are ideal not only for impact investments, but also…
Continue Reading Structured Exits: A New Universe of Potential Funding for Companies in Underserved Markets