Photo of Melissa P. Prusock

Melissa Paige Prusock focuses her practice on investigations, litigation, and counseling related to federal government contracts and grants. Melissa’s substantial civil and criminal government investigations experience includes representing federal contractors and award recipients in False Claims Act (FCA) matters (including qui tam actions) and Office of Inspector General (OIG) audits and investigations. Melissa also regularly represents clients in suspension and debarment proceedings, counsels clients in connection with internal investigations and mandatory disclosures, and assists clients with assessing, developing, and implementing compliance programs.

Melissa provides strategic advice to federal award recipients, including private entities and state, territorial, and local governments, on compliance with the Uniform Guidance and other requirements associated with the expenditure of federal funds. She also represents clients in bid protests before the Government Accountability Office and Court of Federal Claims, as well as in other government contracts and related litigation in various federal courts.

shutterstock_125606384Israeli defense contractors are among some of the largest U.S. defense contractors in the world. In 2014, four out of the top 100 firms listed in Defense News’ annual ranking of largest global defense firms were Israeli companies. To remain competitive in securing U.S. government contracts, it is important for Israeli contractors to be aware of changes in U.S. laws that affect their current and future business with the U.S. government.

In December 2014, President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015.  The FY 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes significant procurement related reforms and changes that affect Israeli contractors doing business with the U.S. government, including the Department of Defense and other federal agencies.  “The Impact Of The FY 2015 National Defense Authorization Act On Federal Procurement,” which was co-authored by Greenberg Traurig attorneys Mike Schaengold, Aaron Ralph, and Melissa Prusock, and was published in two parts in the Feb. 25 and March 4, 2015 editions of The Government Contractor, identifies and discusses the FY 2015 NDAA’s more important procurement related reforms and changes.
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