Greenberg Traurig’s Tel Aviv office kicked off this year’s Purim holiday celebrations with two memorable and festive events. While the celebrations are far from over, as the holiday commences this coming Sunday, here is a summary of the happenings in the office from this past week.

The associates in the office (Devora Snyder, Aaron Katz and Jonathan Orlinsky) organized a Purim happy hour that was held in the office and hosted associates from leading Israeli law firms in Israel. GT associates introduced their Israeli counterparts to the firm’s Tel Aviv office and its global platform. Associates from over ten leading law firms attended the event.

israel purim

The office also celebrated the holiday by having all of the attorneys and staff assemble together and exchange “mishloach manot,” which are celebratory gift baskets that are customarily given on the holiday of Purim. The exchange was conducted along the lines of the familiar “Secret Santa” tradition, with the members being randomly assigned a person to whom they gave the gift.

Members of Greenberg Traurig in Israel and all over the world wish you a happy and festive Purim!
Members of Greenberg Traurig in Israel and all over the world wish you a happy and festive Purim!

צוות גרינברג טראוריג בישראל ובעולם מאחל לכם פורים שמח!